About Anthony Forsyth
I’m a Distinguished Professor in the Graduate School of Business and Law at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. I teach and research on all aspects of work and the law, specialising in collective bargaining, trade unions, union education, labour hire and the gig economy.
My book The Future of Unions and Worker Representation: The Digital Picket Line was published by Hart Publishing, Oxford, in February 2022. Further details (including ordering information) can be found here.
I am President of the Australian Labour Law Association @AusLabourLaw and in 2015-16, I was Chair of the Victorian Government Inquiry into the Labour Hire Industry & Insecure Work.
Contact me at: anthony.forsyth@rmit.edu.au and follow me on Twitter @AnthonyForsyt10
College / Portfolio: Business
Research Interests
- Employment law
- Workplace relations law
- Trade unions/future of unions
- Industrial disputes
- Collective bargaining, union recognition and good faith bargaining
- Workplace dispute resolution and dispute prevention
- Comparative labour law
- Labour hire
- Workplace privacy/social media
Professor Forsyth is available to undertake commissioned research in these research areas
(see ‘Commissioned Research’ section below).
Commissioned Research
- Anthony Forsyth and Industrial Relations Victoria, Victorian Inquiry into the Labour Hire Industry and Insecure Work: Final Report, Victorian Government, Melbourne, 31 August 2016, 418 pages
- Anthony Forsyth and Industrial Relations Victoria, Victorian Inquiry into the Labour Hire Industry and Insecure Work: Confidential Interim Report, Victorian Government, Melbourne, April 2016
- Anthony Forsyth and Industrial Relations Victoria, Background Paper for the Victorian Inquiry into the Labour Hire Industry and Insecure Work, Victorian Government, Melbourne, 16 October 2015
- Anthony Forsyth, Review of the Fair Work Commission Panel System: Caseload Allocation in Collective Matters, Interim Report, August 2015; and Final Report, February 2016
- Anthony Forsyth, Australian Report for the International Labour Organization on Performance of Prevention and Resolution Mechanisms and Processes for Individual Labour Disputes, February 2015
- Anthony Forsyth, ILO Fact Sheet – Good Faith Bargaining, External Collaboration Contract for the International Labour Office, Geneva, 2014
- Anthony Forsyth, Peter Gahan, John Howe and Ingrid Landau, Fair Work Australia’s Influence in the Enterprise Bargaining Process, Fair Work Australia Research Partnership Project, Final Report, 30 September 2012, i-xi, 168 pages (published by the Fair Work Commission on 22 February 2013, available at: http://www.fwc.gov.au/index.cfm?pagename=admingmreporting&page=research#research2015)
- Anthony Forsyth, Peter Gahan, John Howe and Ingrid Landau, Fair Work Australia’s Influence in the Enterprise Bargaining Process: Summary of Preliminary Data Analysis, Fair Work Australia Research Partnership Project, Interim Report, 31 July 2012, 37 pages
- Alex Bukarica and Andrew Dallas, with Anthony Forsyth (consulting editor), Promoting Good Faith Bargaining under Australia’s Fair Work Act: Lessons from the Collective Bargaining Experience in Canada and New Zealand, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (Mining and Energy Division), Sydney, 2010
- Anthony Forsyth, Promoting Cooperative Workplace Relations in the New ‘Fair Work’ System, Policy Discussion Paper for the Business Council of Australia, June 2009; released as BCA, Embedding Workplace Collaboration: Preventing Disputes, 9 August 2009
- Anthony Forsyth and John Howe, Current Initiatives to Encourage Fair and Cooperative Workplace Practices: An International Survey, Report for the Victorian Office of the Workplace Rights Advocate/Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development, June 2008
- Anthony Forsyth, Protection Against Economic Dismissals: How Does Australian Law Compare with ILO Standards and Five Other OECD Countries?, Supplementary Report for the Victorian Office of the Workplace Rights Advocate/Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development, November 2007
- Anthony Forsyth, Freedom to Fire: Economic Dismissals under Work Choices, Report for the Victorian Office of the Workplace Rights Advocate/Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development, August 2007
- Anthony Forsyth, Peter Gahan, Marco Michelotti, Andreas Pekarek and Renee Saibi, Collective Bargaining and Union Recognition Rights: Policy Issues for Australia, Research Report for the Australian Institute of Employment Rights, April 2006
- Anthony Forsyth, The Decline of Social Dialogue in the Australian Public Service, Monograph for the Government and Labour Law and Administration Department (GLLAD), International Labour Office, Geneva, January 2001
- Labour Law
- Introduction to Australian Legal System and Legal Methods
- Legal Research Project
- Bachelor of Jurisprudence/Bachelor of Laws (Honours), Monash University
- Graduate Diploma in Labour Relations Law, University of Melbourne
- PhD, University of Melbourne
- Anthony Forsyth, The Future of Unions and Worker Representation: The Digital Picket Line, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2022, i-xxxii, 277 pages
- Anthony Forsyth, ‘“Is There an App for That?” Worker Representation, Unions and the Gig Economy’, in Joo-Cheong Tham and Caroline Kelly (eds), Democracy, Social Justice and the Role of Trade Unions: We the Working People, Anthem Press, London, 2021, 119-138
Anthony Forsyth,‘“Prova di Solidarietà”: How Effectively are Unions and Emerging Collective Worker Representatives Responding to New Business Models in Australia and Italy?’, in Tindara Addabbo, Edoardo Ales, Ylenia Curzi, Tommaso Fabbri, Olga Rymkevich and Iacopo Senatori (eds), The Collective Dimensions of Employment Relations – Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Workers’ Voice and Changing Workplace Patterns, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2021, 205-238
- Tim Kennedy, Ben Redford, Renee Burns and Anthony Forsyth, ‘Rebuilding Worker Power in Australia through Multi-Employer Bargaining’ (2021) 31:3 Labour and Industry 225-234
Anthony Forsyth and Andrew Stewart, ‘The Impact of COVID-19 on Labour Regulation in Australia’ (2021) 34:1&2 Australian Journal of Labour Law 1-9
Anthony Forsyth and Andrew Stewart, ‘COVID-19, Employee Stand Downs and the Transfer of Economic Risk’ (2021) 34:1&2 Australian Journal of Labour Law 95-111
- Anthony Forsyth, Emanuele Dagnino and Margherita Roiatti (eds), The Value of Work and Its Rules between Innovation and Tradition: ‘Labour is not a Commodity’ Today, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (ADAPT Labour Studies Book Series), Newcastle upon Tyne, 2020, i-xv1, 215 pages
- Forsyth, A. (2020). COVID-19 and Labour Law: Australia (Consensus Policy Formulation Fraying at the Edges) In: Italian Labour Law e-Journal, 13, 1 – 9
- Anthony Forsyth,‘Conflict or Cooperation? Australian Union Responses to COVID-19’ in Sachin Padya and Jeffrey Hirsch (eds), Work Law Under COVID-19, 2020, Chapter 13 (unpaginated e-book), available at: https://worklawcovid19book.netlify.app/union-aus.html
- Forsyth, A. (2020). Playing Catch-Up but Falling Short: Regulating Work in the Gig Economy in Australia In: 31:2 King’s Law Journal 287-300
- Forsyth, A. (2020). The Identity of the Employer in Australian Labour Law: Moving Beyond the Unitary Conception of the Employer In: Italian Labour Law e-Journal, 13, 13 – 28
- Forsyth, A. (2020). Ten Years of the Fair Work Act: (More) Testing Times for Australia’s Unions In: Australian Journal of Labour Law, 33, 122 – 138
- Forsyth, A. (2019). Regulating Australia’s Gangmasters through Labour Hire Licensing In: Federal Law Review, 47, 469 – 493
- Forsyth, A., Howe, J. (2019). Reaching Across the Ditch? Similarities and Differences in the Trajectory of Australian and New Zealand Regulation of Collective Labour Relations 1988-2018 In: Victoria University of Wellington Law Review, 50, 215 – 231
- Tomassetti, P., Forsyth, A. (2019). Different Legal Systems, Same Normative Contents? Collective Bargaining at Apple, Ikea and Tiffany Stores in Australia and Italy In: Australian Journal of Labour Law, 32, 192 – 218
- Shae McCrystal, Breen Creighton and Anthony Forsyth (eds), Collective Bargaining under the Fair Work Act, The Federation Press, Sydney, 2018, i-xxi, 326 pages
- Breen Creighton, Anthony Forsyth and Shae McCrystal, ‘Evaluating the Australian Experiment in Enterprise Bargaining’, in Shae McCrystal, Breen Creighton and Anthony Forsyth (eds), Collective Bargaining under the Fair Work Act, The Federation Press, Sydney, 2018, 1-24
- Anthony Forsyth and Bradon Ellem, ‘Has the Australian Model Resisted US-Style Anti-Union Organising Campaigns? Case Studies of the Cochlear and ResMed Bargaining Disputes, in Shae McCrystal, Breen Creighton and Anthony Forsyth (eds), Collective Bargaining under the Fair Work Act, The Federation Press, Sydney, 2018, 45-68
- Forsyth, A. (2018). ”Restoring the rule of law” through commercial (dis)incentives: The code for the tendering and performance of building work 2016 In: Sydney Law Review, 40, 93 – 122
- Forsyth, A.,Howe, J.,Gahan, P.,Landau, I. (2017). Establishing the right to bargain collectively in Australia and the UK: Are majority support determinations under Australia’s Fair Work Act a more effective form of union recognition? In: Industrial Law Journal, 46, 335 – 365
- Pekarek, A.,Landau, I.,Gahan, P.,Forsyth, A.,Howe, J. (2017). Old game, new rules? The dynamics of enterprise bargaining under the Fair Work Act In: Journal of Industrial Relations, 59, 44 – 64
- Forsyth, A. (2017). Industrial legislation in Australia in 2016 In: Journal of Industrial Relations, 59, 323 – 337
- Forsyth, A. (2017). The Victorian Inquiry into Labour Hire and Insecure Work: Addressing Worker Exploitation in Complex Business Structures In: E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies, 6, 1 – 33
- Forsyth, A. (2017). Law, politics and ideology: the regulatory response to trade union corruption in Australia In: University of New South Wales Law Journal, 40, 1336 – 1365
- Forsyth, A. (2016). Industrial legislation in Australia in 2015 In: Journal of Industrial Relations, 58, 372 – 387
- Stewart, A.,Forsyth, A.,Irving, M.,Johnstone, R.,McCrystal, S. (2016). Creighton and Stewart’s Labour Law, The Federation Press, Sydney
- Forsyth, A.,Stewart, A. (2016). Swimming against the tide: New challenges for unions under Australian labour law In: Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal, 38, 99 – 121
- Forsyth, A. (2016). Australia In: Resolving Individual Labour Disputes: A Comparative Overview, International Labour Office, Geneva
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1 PhD Completions2 PhD Current Supervisions
Employment law, Workplace relations law, Workplace regulations & policy, Collective bargaining, Workplace dispute resolution, Comparative labour law.